
CRAW Day 373: Stan by for Final Countdown

The Adventure Continues: The Baikonur command center buzzed with activity: Stern-looking technicians, military personnel, and white-shirted engineers jostled us in the narrow hallways, as we strained to keep up with the fast-striding Ekaterina. Soon, we reached a doorway that led to a lounge area, where a number of important-looking people were idling. A refreshment table,…

CRAW Day 372: Unsustanable

The Adventure Continues: Driving in our Rolls-Royce caravan through the glittering streets of Almaty was not, shall we say, exactly what we were expecting for a 3rd? 2nd? world nation. But indeed, it was stunning in its surroundings: Its art and architecture: And its people: “This city changes every day”, Etakarina said in amazement. “All…

CRAW Day 371: Last One Staning

The Adventure Continues: All of these countries in Region 9! It’s hard to stan it anymore. That’s why it was especially heartening when, just as we were clearing customs on the Uzbekistan-Kazakastan border, Beth announced to us all that we were making our last stan. Yes, it was sad news indeed that we had somehow…


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About Us

Based very loosely on a true story, this blog chronicles our team Cursed & Coerced as we flail haplessly against challenges both real and (very) imagined, as part of the Circumpolar Race Around The World. What’s the worst that can happen? Read on…